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Modifying Rows in DataFrame

Below you can see a simple example of how to use the pd.concat() method to add new rows to a DataFrame

  • _Please come back later to find information about other techniques on how to add rows to a DataFrame object

1. Add rows with 'concat'

  • pandas offer a powerful 'concat' method to concatenate DataFrames or Series objects
  • See more about concat() here
In [36]:
import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd

data1 = {'country': ['Italy','Spain','Greece','France','Portugal'],
        'popu': [61, 46, 11, 65, 10]
data2 = {'country': ['Brazil','Argentina'],
        'popu': [207, 44]

df1 = pd.DataFrame(data1, index=['ITA', 'ESP', 'GRC', 'FRA', 'PRT'])

df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2, index=['BRA', 'ARG'])

total = pd.concat([df2, df1])
      country  popu
ITA     Italy    61
ESP     Spain    46
GRC    Greece    11
FRA    France    65
PRT  Portugal    10 

       country  popu
BRA     Brazil   207
ARG  Argentina    44
country popu
BRA Brazil 207
ARG Argentina 44
ITA Italy 61
ESP Spain 46
GRC Greece 11
FRA France 65
PRT Portugal 10

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